The objective is to be supportive of the spiritual growth of the Methodist congregations through training events for laity & clergy and retreats & camp experiences for children, youth and adults as well as the production and distribution of Christian Education Materials.


The GYTTE program produces, compiles, and distributes Christian Education materials for specific events in the life of the church. These materials are used by the Methodist Churches in the Southeast Annual Conference of the Methodist Church of Mexico, as well as other churches, districts and conferences that request these items. The materials produced and distributed are for the following seasons and activities:

  • Advent & Christmas
  • Lent / Holy Week / Easter
  • Vacation Bible School (VBS)
  • Specific Date:
    • Month of the Bible
    • Reformation Sunday


Summer 2015

Colossal Park Bible School Material has been modified and made culturally sensitive to Mexican rural communities. Thank you First Presbyterian Church of Hormigueros, Puerto Rico headed by Rev. Fernando Rogriguez.

August 7th we sponsored the closing VBS of "Getsemani" Methodist Church in Tlancualpican. Lunch and backpacks were provided to the children.









    December 5th and 6th, our Church and Faith Program hosted a UMC Men's Retreat. It was a blessing for them and for us.






TheGYTTE staff gave a Workshop for the VBS Curriculum 2014 for the Methodist Churches in the Southeast Annual Conference of the Methodist Church of Mexico.



We invite you to see more pictures of this activity at May through June 7th, 2014 Activities Album


Christian Education Workshop 2013





Advent/Christmas Curriculum 2012


VBS 2010 "La Máquina del Tiempo" - Workshop



VBS 2009 "La Armadura" - Workshop




VBS 2008 "Despega" - Workshop




VBS 2007 "La Feria de la Cosecha" - Workshop




VBS 2006 "Fiesta Cristiana " - Workshop




VBS 2005 "Buscando Heroes " - Workshop





GYTTE hosts workshops to train laity and clergy in age-appropriate teaching, participatory education, puppetry and drama, as well as training events for the annual VBS materials.

GYTTE sponsors a scholarship for a Methodist student to attend one of the two seminaries in Mexico, The four year degree prepares a clergy person for the Methodist Church of Mexico.

Muriel, Maria, Raquel and Terry
Terry and Muriel Henderson with the GYTTE
Scholarship Students Maria Calixto (left) and
Raquel Balbuena (right) at the June 2004 Graduation.
More photographs...

Hector Loera
John Wesley Seminary Student

Church and Faith Development is an essential part of the  “Give Ye Them To Eat” Program! How can you get involved in this aspect of the GYTTE ministry? You can assist rural churches that are struggling to reach out to their congregations and communities. Your donation can help them to extend their ministry. Consider choosing one or more of these items to sponsor.


$6,000. Is the production costs the GYTTE program has to cover for the annual Vacation Bible School curriculum for local churches in the Southeast Annual Conference.

$3,500. Provides one year of scholarship aid for a student preparing for ministry at the Baez Camargo Methodist Seminary in Mexico City. A ministry degree is a four year program of study. One share of a seminary scholarship is $100. dollars.

$1,000. Covers the production costs of each of these seasonal materials for the church:

  • Advent & Christmas
  • Lent & Easter

$500. Covers the cost of a one-day, conference-wide VBS workshop.

$250. Covers the production costs of each of these materials for specific events in the life of the Methodist Church of Mexico:

  • Family Week - Celebrated during the month of May
  • Month of the Bible - August
  • Reformation Sunday - The last Sunday in October

$100. Provides scholarships for on-going education for rural pastors who otherwise could not afford to take the courses offered by the conference and seminary.

$60. Being there are a number of rural churches that cannot even afford GYTTE's subsidized cost for Christian Education materials a $60. dollar gift provides a congregation with the annual VBS and Advent.


Personal transformation is a vital component in the development process. The objective is to assist people in becoming self-reliant and then give them the opportunity to make a commitment to God and to others in need.

The GYTTE program staff do more than impart knowledge and offer hands-on training. They also share their faith and life witness. At any training event it is as common to hear a personal testimony as it is an explanation on construction methods or teaching skills.

The development tools offered by the GYTTE program are provided by Christian supporters responding to the call of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Scholarships, livestock, the teaching of agricultural practices and appropriate technologies are all gifts from God.

The area of Church and Faith Development is as important in strengthening people´s capabilities to respond to their own needs and those of their community, as any other area in which the GYTTE program serves. Church and Faith Development is fundamental to the development process.


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